How does it help a financially struggling club if UEFA fines Them and omit from club competitions

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How does it help a financially struggling club if UEFA fines Them and omit from club competitions Empty How does it help a financially struggling club if UEFA fines Them and omit from club competitions

Post by Interman Wed Jun 27, 2018 2:09 pm

Milan reportedly gonna her findes 30m euros on top og omission from UEFA comps


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How does it help a financially struggling club if UEFA fines Them and omit from club competitions Empty Re: How does it help a financially struggling club if UEFA fines Them and omit from club competitions

Post by urbaNRoots Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:00 pm

The fans should go and watch the team, buy merchandise, therefore increase the revenue of the club instead of injecting money directly into the club. I think that’s what UEFA wants to see.

If you can’t bring the fans back, then stop spending money that you can’t legally generate back.
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How does it help a financially struggling club if UEFA fines Them and omit from club competitions Empty Re: How does it help a financially struggling club if UEFA fines Them and omit from club competitions

Post by Luca Wed Jun 27, 2018 4:10 pm

Milan gambled heavily last season, expecting to make the top 4 and offset their net spend with guaranteed Champions League revenue. Making the top 4 would have also attracted new investors at a higher valuation.

Instead, they signed scrubs, changed managers halfway through the season and actually took quite a strong second half of the season just to make the Europa League.

Fining them for overspending is a bit like suspending a kid for skipping class but that's show business, baby.

Milan will be ok, they'll be sold again and not to frauds and begin their climb again. UEFA wants to see competent ownership, with stronger financial backing and a business plan essentially.

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