UEFA Nations League?

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UEFA Nations League? - Page 2 Empty Re: UEFA Nations League?

Post by breva Wed Oct 11, 2017 10:44 pm

futbol_bill wrote:Ok, I get it now (finally!). The real losers are the South American nations as they won't have Europe teams to play, except in real competitions. No wonder they invited France, Spain, Germany to their tournament!

This actually helps European nations in increased TV revenues, better competition in so called friendlies and less travel (benefits players, pocket book, and club teams).

The more I learn about this, the more I like it.

I think they only invited "latin" countries:

"France, Italy, Spain and Portugal are set to be invited to play at the 2019 Copa America in Brazil."

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UEFA Nations League? - Page 2 Empty Re: UEFA Nations League?

Post by breva Thu Oct 12, 2017 2:27 am

The tournament will be played every two years and the chance to enter the Euro, for teams that did not qualify through the normal qualification, will be as stated below. "The first four teams in every league (Serie A though D) will have a playoff for a place in the Euros. Interesting.

"Le prime quattro in classifica di ogni lega, non qualificate a Euro 2020, giocheranno gli spareggi nel marzo 2020 per un posto nella fase finale del torneo continentale."
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