Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?

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Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?

Post by BarrileteCosmico Mon Dec 26, 2016 3:02 pm

Natalie Portman wrote:In my ideal society, for every country in the world...I believe the society WILL function better being 85-90% homogenous + 10-15% immigration....and maintaining that ratio should be the prime concern of the gov't.

Toronto is 50% immigrant (source). Clearly it must bee a horrid place to live in, so many of them. What do you suggest we should do about the immigrant problem? Should Toronto close itself off to all new immigrants until it reaches the desired 10-15% goal? That could take years though, if not decades. Perhaps we should have forced re-allocation and spread them all around Canada rather than where they currently live? But wait, Canada as a whole is currently 20.6% immigrant! Alright, I think I have two solutions: either mass deportations or extermination facilities.


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Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?

Post by FennecFox7 Mon Dec 26, 2016 9:17 pm

Well, I guess I'll give some insight because I do have some free time on my hands.

My mom is an Algerian Amazigh from tlemcen, very close to where Mahrez is from originally (she doesn't want to admit her family is).I really don't get why some of them want to be Arab so bad, her family names clearly give her heritage away but whatever. My dad is half Algerian and half Morrocan.

Both grew up with not much, they are devout Muslims unlike me, who unlike Duringthewar and unique think, can't even tell you what the *bleep* Muslims believe in. I'm serious Laughing
Anyways off topic, my dad immigrated to the US after getting exceptionally high scores in high school and college as a freshman. He started from nothing and now makes triple figures. My mom almost went to Paris but was rejected from the university there, and I'm pretty sure it was because of her heritage. She lived in Belgium for 8ish years and got a masters in psychology, then moved to the US.

Algerians are fiercely proud of our heritage, I'm not any less American for putting my nationality as Algerian but we have a special kind of pride not even morrocan or Tunisians have.

What's the point of all this? Well, to all my racist and xenophobic friends here (you know who you are), here's me proving to you that not every damn Muslim or immigrant is a terrorist or living off of welfare. And no, it is BULLSHIT to assume we are terrorists just because of a sensationalized story in the news about some psychopath who happens to share the same ethnicity as me.

And I find it funny unique blames everyone around him and that includes Muslims the most, immigrants in general the 2nd.

Dude. You're 42. Do yourself a favor and go to college and stop wasting all your energy on blaming other people, and do a favor for your family and make some more money instead of doing jobs that suck dick.
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Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?

Post by DuringTheWar Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:43 pm

"And you f***** her into the a**, right?"

"DUDE, it was a virgin! And we DESTROYED her with 7 guys, dude"

So, whose ideal society is this then?
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Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?

Post by Myesyats Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:55 pm

[mod]-25%: nudity, hate speech[/mod]
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Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?

Post by Nishankly Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:00 pm

At least put spoilers while putting such vile things on the forum.
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Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?

Post by LeVersacci Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:48 pm

This guy really took Unique's spot Laughing
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Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?  - Page 4 Empty Re: Immigration Thread- What's your ideal society ?

Post by Myesyats Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:36 pm

It was just a great cartoon, there's no need to be upset...
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