If not so sad it would be hilarious Napoli Legia Hooligans

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If not so sad it would be hilarious Napoli Legia Hooligans Empty If not so sad it would be hilarious Napoli Legia Hooligans

Post by breva Thu Dec 10, 2015 9:07 pm

Ok, a sad sight but typical, Napoli and Legia ultras fight outside the Naples airport. But, among those arrested are two Bulgarians supporters of a Bulgarian team that is twinned with Napoli. Can you imagine Bulgarians making the trip to Naples to support Napoli and fight with Polish ultras. Unbelievable.

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If not so sad it would be hilarious Napoli Legia Hooligans Empty Re: If not so sad it would be hilarious Napoli Legia Hooligans

Post by Robespierre Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:47 pm

And Legia hooligans are twinned with Juve ultras  .Another reason because they aren't in good relations with Napoli .. Not new  thing the Polish hooligans  to be twinned with their Italian "colleagues" ... for example the Wisla ultras are twinned with Lazio ultras ( you can realize the reason .. )  .
indeed what's happened it's a normal thing for the Italian ultras, I mean in last Roma derby the man worries about the reasons related to public order, consisted on infiltrations of twinned hooligans with Roma and Lazio ultras ( Wisla, West Ham etc)
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