Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ?

Wor Ayoze
Art Morte
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Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ?

Post by breva Sat May 30, 2015 3:18 am

Wor Ayoze wrote:
breva wrote:Platini is a three time balon d'or winner, a real footballer.  I don't get what people have against him.  He balances the interests of some pretty powerful FAs.
Platini voted for Qatar, Blatter didn't

UEFA FAs voted for Qatar. Platini just voted as the FAs wanted him to. I wish you people would do some research before posting nonsense.

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Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ?

Post by mr-r34 Sat May 30, 2015 3:51 am

How does anyone have no issues with Qatar getting the WC, legit or not. Look at the deaths, the slavery, that country is basic filth.
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Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ?

Post by Art Morte Sat May 30, 2015 6:58 am

REWB wrote:so what exactly does sepp blatter do thats so ilicit? what exactly does he do wrong? Is it because he awards countries like qatar and russia the world cup? and not lovely little england even though they were "promised" Laughing

please, leave the old man alone and lets get on with the football, he has done a lot of good for the game around the world and people are just butthurt.

He's been the president of FIFA for, what, 24 years?

If he is unaware of the massive corruption in his organization, or unable to deal with it, then he's somewhere between incompetent for the job or criminally neglecting it.

If he's aware of the corruption, but doesn't take measures to stop it - which is almost certainly the case, I mean, what president of an organization for 24 years wouldn't be aware of something like this - that's even worse.

In either scenario he shouldn't be leading the Fifa fiasco any longer.
Art Morte
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Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ?

Post by Wor Ayoze Sat May 30, 2015 3:59 pm

breva wrote:
Wor Ayoze wrote:
breva wrote:Platini is a three time balon d'or winner, a real footballer.  I don't get what people have against him.  He balances the interests of some pretty powerful FAs.
Platini voted for Qatar, Blatter didn't

UEFA FAs voted for Qatar. Platini just voted as the FAs wanted him to. I wish you people would do some research before posting nonsense.

Platini clearly wanted Qatar to win

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Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ?

Post by Cruijf Sat May 30, 2015 5:06 pm

Platini would almost certainly be worse than Blatter. People forget that Platini is possibly the biggest two face in football administration history.

In 2008 he called the English "cheaters", now he's best buddies with them and thinks they deserved the World Cup in 2018. And back when England were cheaters it was Russia that deserved the world cup because they were the best choice (and may or may not have bribed him). First it was "FFP is necessary for football to survive" now it's "we need to relax the guideline on FFP".

It's quite obvious that all Platini wants is power. His ideas on football (like going from severely anti-goal line technology to extremely in support of it when it seemed it was finally happening) change more often than Madrid changes coaches. I can almost guarantee the only changes he would make in a new FIFA alternative would be ones that make it more corrupt and benefit him more.

Better the enemy we know IMO. Besides, Blatter will be arrested soon enough anyway.
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Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Should the football federations of major football nations walk away from FIFA ?

Post by zigra Sat May 30, 2015 5:36 pm

It doesn't matter if Blatter walks or is arrested because whoever replaces him will be just more of the same because the system is broken. I still want to see him go to jail but I don't think this will actually change things.

As long as the system stays the same, nothing will change.

If UEFA would split from the FIFA maybe that could be the start of a new FIFA with a better system. But of course that's just theory because they won't split and if they should split that wouldn't lead to a better system but just more of the same.
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