Best signings/potential signings in Premier League so far

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Best signings/potential signings in Premier League so far Empty Best signings/potential signings in Premier League so far

Post by redsnoopy Sat May 09, 2015 5:23 am

Btw, me the famous Redsnoopy is back after a two year hiatus. Pls update your analysis below, I call it crowdsourcing of information

out of 10 points

My summary so far is--

Actual signed:---
Memphis Depay to Man U -- 8 points

Potential signed:--
A striker (Forgot his name, he says fav club is Newcastle) to Newcastle -- 7 points


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Best signings/potential signings in Premier League so far Empty Re: Best signings/potential signings in Premier League so far

Post by VendettaRed07 Sat May 09, 2015 5:35 am

Redsnoopy!!!!!! :bow: :bow: :bow:

Ok I really don't get what exactly this thread is asking, so I'm just going to go ahead and say Man U sign Bale for like 100m. Their Adidas kit deal alone is worth more than that so I think they'll pull the trigger. Um, I'll bet, 9 points, or something.
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