Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by DuringTheWar Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:03 pm

I don't take sides in this because both sides display the same ugly characteristics. But the fake self righteousness is cringeworthy. Albanians provoked this, then their players started the fight, and now their fangirls have got their knickers in a bunch. Because they are such impeccably behaved gentlemen Laughing

The match could have gone on safely according to uefa but the Albanian fa demanded the stadium to be emptied.

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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by Hapless_Hans Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:05 pm

Robespierre wrote:
Hapless_Hans wrote:
Robespierre wrote:For who didn't watch the match , all was born from this

It has to do with Albanian nationalism.

explain to me what going on there. what's that flag? Albanian with some Kosovo garnish? Why is it being flown across the field on what seems to be some mini helicopter lol in the 44th minute?
And why is a little brawl grounds for banning the teams?

Albania fans flew drone over stadium with Albanian flag. Mitrovic grabbed it and pulled it down , Albanian players react .. and fight.
About  the flag ... it was not a Kosovo flag , or an Albania flag , but  it was the " Greater Albania flag  " . Wink

Jesus Christ, for real? A drone? WTF. 'Greater Albania'?

It's Albania that should be banned then, not Serbia hmm
Albanian players have noone but their own fans to blame for any ass kicking they receive in that case. *bleep* Nazis is what they are.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by eelir Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:08 pm

greater albania concept is introduced/infiltrated by serbian academia of science after their own greater serbia project was in bad reputation in western countries. the wiki article is full of citation from serbian "scientists".

btw dont forget that serbians jailed 45 albanians fans in airport today, including albanian ambasador by mistake. They were constantly provocing in the media saying we wont let a single albanina flag in serbia.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by BusterLfc Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:10 pm

The brother of Albanian prime minister was jailed because most likely he was the one navigating that drone from the VIP lounge and provoking the fans with "greater albania" flag.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by BusterLfc Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:12 pm

If it was a simple Albanian flag no one would give a shit but it was a 'Greater Albania' flag which was a clear attempt to provoke the fans and create a big incident.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by Hapless_Hans Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:14 pm

the only time Albanians had something like a greater Albania was after we had invaded Serbia in WW II and given parts of it to them, as they were on our side.
As were the Croatians btw.

That's also why when German soldiers were part of the Kosovo NATO occupying force they were enthusiastically greeted by Kosovo Albanians with 'Sieg Heil' salutes. Not ironically, no.

While at the same time *bleep* German bombers were dropping bombs on Belgrade, AGAIN.
It's a *bleep* outrage and a tragedy, that's what it is, and Albanian Nazi fans should go get *bleep*.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by Robespierre Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:16 pm

Hapless_Hans wrote:
Robespierre wrote:
Hapless_Hans wrote:

It has to do with Albanian nationalism.

explain to me what going on there. what's that flag? Albanian with some Kosovo garnish? Why is it being flown across the field on what seems to be some mini helicopter lol in the 44th minute?
And why is a little brawl grounds for banning the teams?

Albania fans flew drone over stadium with Albanian flag. Mitrovic grabbed it and pulled it down , Albanian players react .. and fight.
About  the flag ... it was not a Kosovo flag , or an Albania flag , but  it was the " Greater Albania flag  " . Wink

Jesus Christ, for real? A drone? WTF. 'Greater Albania'?

It's Albania that should be banned then, not Serbia hmm
Albanian players have noone but their own fans to blame for any ass kicking they receive in that case.

I made confusion to quote, now I corrected Laughing

anyway Balkans are the most nationalist side in the world by far. Every country is soaked of deep nationalism , bah.. in 2014..
At the beginning I thought it was Kosovo flag or Albanian flag .. .and it sounded as normal ... when I knew it was Great Albania flag (I had just sometimes listened talking about it ) well, I 've been surprised Laughing
And I understood the reaction by Mitrovic , because it has to do with nationalism and it doesn't represent simply a nation , but a mind seen as provocation by others
I mean, I have  some doubts Mitrovic  would have done same thing for a simply Albania flag
Although his gesture  overheated an environment already hot and it was simply the beginning of the end .. probably players have also responsabilities for this ugly day for Serbian/Albanian football.

Last edited by Robespierre on Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by Robespierre Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:16 pm

BusterLfc wrote:If it was a simple Albanian flag no one would give a shit but it was a 'Greater Albania' flag which was a clear attempt to provoke the fans and create a big incident.

Yes I wrote this just now Thumbs up
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by eelir Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:18 pm

the right thing to do is punish both teams, not kick them out, but punish. Albanian fans provoked with drone, Serbians could not keep their fans in stands.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by El Gunner Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:21 pm

I think everybody should just calm the *bleep* down.

Political issues should'nt find it's way on a football pitch. Footballers should just go on about their job.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by Freeza Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:21 pm

kick Serbia and Albania out imo, send Denmark right into the Euros.

Should work imo.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by McAgger Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:22 pm

Freeza wrote:kick Serbia and Albania out imo, send Denmark right into the Euros.

Should work imo.

I agree
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by eelir Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:24 pm

Hapless_Hans wrote:the only time Albanians had something like a greater Albania was after we had invaded Serbia in WW II and given parts of it to them, as they were on our side.
As were the Croatians btw.

That's also why when German soldiers were part of the Kosovo NATO occupying force they were enthusiastically greeted by Kosovo Albanians with 'Sieg Heil' salutes. Not ironically, no.

While at the same time *bleep* German bombers were dropping bombs on Belgrade, AGAIN.
It's a *bleep* outrage and a tragedy, that's what it is, and Albanian Nazi fans should go get *bleep*.

Right, like Germany, Sweden and Serbia has no Nazzis? What you are talking is some small idiotic people did. Droping bombs in Belgrade saved lives, no matter what Serbs say. It is no wonder there are still mass graves found with albanian bodies from Kosovo in Serbian territories. If the bombs did not fall, whole Kosovo would have been buried in Serbia.

So you can go and cry me a river about some buildings and bridges in Belgrade!
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by Hapless_Hans Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:24 pm

El Gunner wrote:I think everybody should just calm the *bleep* down.

Political issues should'nt find it's way on a football pitch. Footballers should just go on about their job.

well guess what political issues do find their way on the football pitch, and why wouldn't they.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by Hapless_Hans Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:28 pm

eelir, I can go and find you links about ethnic cleansing by Kosovo albanians against Serbs in the wake of the intervention.

And no, bombing bridges, radio and tv stations, hospitals and the *bleep* Chinese embassy in Belgrad did not save lives, it ended lives.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by eelir Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:37 pm

hans i am not saying albanians did not do any bad thing. I am not supporting the drnoe incident, nor greater albania thingie. What i do not like is making the Kosovo war sides the same when they are clearly not. It is very clear who was a victim in this war.

Also greater allbania is an idea never acted upon, which i cant say the same about greater serbia. i even have serbian politicians as sources that support this. Want me to give you a reference about it?
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by Robespierre Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:44 pm

Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 SHYf7U9

but this ...
Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 10671220_756475744447525_8951526611139600161_n

Cana ( Lazio ) fights with a Serbian and he wears the strip No to racism Laughing Laughing
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by eelir Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:49 pm

So you say he should bend and let the hooligan hit him?
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by Robespierre Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:52 pm

tbf I think Cana was defending himself from Serbian Wink
simply it was a bit "hilarious" the contrast among the message and the gesture
Cana is a though man , but he is fair.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by juvealbanian Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:02 am

Robespierre wrote:Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 SHYf7U9

but this ...
Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 10671220_756475744447525_8951526611139600161_n

Cana ( Lazio ) fights with a Serbian and he wears the strip No  to racism Laughing Laughing

Funny to see a serbian "strong guy" getting f-ed in seconds by Cana who by the way was protecting himself
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by farfan Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:04 am

serbians trying to pass themselves as the " victims " in that whole cnflict is deliciously hilarious.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by Robespierre Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:15 am

Well we know Cana, he is a real warrior , he is average player but he deserves always appreciation for his pugnacity in pitch ... pugnacity referred to matches of course Laughing he was defending himself here and tbh if I am a serbian and I want to fight with an Albanian player,  I know to avoid Cana

It ' s curiois that Cana is a DM who plays as defender both Lazio and Albania Laughing

in Albania because there are not decent Albanian defenders, in Lazio because Gentiletti got injured recently
he shows limits in that role, he got a red card in last match , but he is a midfielder... if even Mascherano struggles if deployed as defender, let alone Lorik Cana

Today he was defending well in that role before of the suspension though
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by juvealbanian Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:17 am

I read through comments and makes me sick to see that some random guys who know absolutely nothing about serbian-albanian relations speak like they are some kind of historians or something,sorry to disappoint but what you all know is mostly political propaganda and some biased feelings towards a side or another.
About the guys who say that it was our fault...seriously?

Who violated players in field? Throwing everything they had in hands? There wasn't any single albanian there except VIP section who are said to command the drone...WTF guys do some research and then post some real shit.
The drone may provoked serbs but it was commanded from outside probably from desperate albanian fans who weren't allowed to follow their team and see a normal match just because serbs are a bit idiots (not all)

We asked for ticked for a normal match but there can't be a normal match because serbs are provoked by any red and black shirt or flag on stadium...WTF????
If this is right for you then you are not ok.

It would not be a difference if that was a nt flag or Great Albania which by the way is much different from Greater Serbia or Greater Greece that you know and we call it Ethnic Albania not Greater Albania as you like to call it.Any albanian flag drives them mad no matter what...they can't stand our colors and act strangely unfortunately.

There wasn't any single albanian fan in the stadium so there isn't our duty to control fans outside it...the serbian fans violated our players who proudly defended our flag from crazy and unstable serbian players and fans who showed once again that can't stand us on all aspects...let them burn our flag on other countries and act like some kind of strong guys,if that's what they want and have enough balls to provoke us then welcome to Albania!

Stop posting nonsense about terms and facts you don't know or you know them wrong.
This was a ugly situation but made up from serbs only,read the facts well and don't act like biased bitches.Thanks
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by StrugaRock Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:43 am

The 'Victims' aka Serbia will always come up with stuff like this, will always blame others for being provoked. Yeah like that match vs Italy in Genoa, where they burned an Albanian flag, yeah remember that? They must've been provoked by an albanian then surely.

Robespierre wrote: wrote:
the problem is that ...TBF ... if we follow this reasoning I fear Serbia could play only against Russia.
Serbia fans feel enmity against all basically ... I remember the last match suspended before of this was against Italy, not a Balkan country

Dude they burned an Albanian flag, not an Italian. They have a phobia containing red and black colors called Albanophobia.

Serbia fans were throwing objects at Albanian players and burning a NATO flag way before the drone appeared. Or did they know about it and got provoked by that too.

They should stop playing the victim card, it's not funny anymore.

Serbian police, media, FA, people, and everyone in Serbia said that they would close all doors for any Albanian flag, but they surely forgot that eagles fly.... (just the joke that has been thrown around among us Albanians)
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Re: Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by Robespierre Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:52 am

I didn't know there were so many Albanians on GL hmm

tbf I corrected my thread then ... because it is correct to remind Serbia hadn't problems against Croatia or Bosnia , for example .
Probably it is just a matter among Serbia and Albania and well just you can know well the situation

anyway Ivan Bodganov, the hooligan who suspended Italy-Serbia in Genova ( and Italy will play his next match again in Genova, against Albania , for solidarity after Genova's flash foods ... ) , was in pitch today.
It is incredible to think he was not banned forever.
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Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch) - Page 2 Empty Serbia vs Albania (on and off the pitch)

Post by StrugaRock Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:04 am

Yeah forgot to mention him, that guy should rot in some jail, not be allowed to enter a stadium in which a high-risk match is about to play, even more that that match consist the team that he burned their flag.

It is funny how somehow serbian media will find a way to justify that too.
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