Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by M99 Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:32 pm

FFS Christmas break can't come soon enough. How in the world will I finish Dragon Age, Far Cry 4, AC Rogue and Middle Earth in a month?

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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Juveman17 Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:07 pm

How is the difficulty in the game? It seems like this game may become boring because based on gameplay I watched, it was essentially just you spamming buttons to hit and kill orcs with no caution and or strategy.
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Donuts Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:54 pm

I would consider myself a little above casual gamer, and i personally find this game above medium difficulty, died several times being over ambitious trying to take on a warchief with two bodyguards
certainly is fun kinda threw you in there in the beginning though but nontheless definitely worth the 50$
in my opinion.
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by M99 Thu Oct 02, 2014 11:54 pm

get hype
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Bellabong Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:59 pm

Juveman17 wrote:How is the difficulty in the game? It seems like this game may become boring because based on gameplay I watched, it was essentially just you spamming buttons to hit and kill orcs with no caution and or strategy.

It's easy in the sense that you get to see mini-bosses strengths and weaknesses and plan accordingly but no; you can't just run into a group of 30 orcs without dying á la Assassins Creed, you'll end up dieing and promoting them/making them stronger.

Take the best of Assassins Creed and Arkham and you got yourself a GotY for gameplay; not these story/immersion driven Goty's of recent times.
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by elm_baraja_shaman Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:16 pm

got my copy, can't wait to play it tonite when am free....
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Juveman17 Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:13 pm

Phritz wrote:
Juveman17 wrote:How is the difficulty in the game? It seems like this game may become boring because based on gameplay I watched, it was essentially just you spamming buttons to hit and kill orcs with no caution and or strategy.

It's easy in the sense that you get to see mini-bosses strengths and weaknesses and plan accordingly but no; you can't just run into a group of 30 orcs without dying á la Assassins Creed, you'll end up dieing and promoting them/making them stronger.

Take the best of Assassins Creed and Arkham and you got yourself a GotY for gameplay; not these story/immersion driven Goty's of recent times.

Awesome, Ill be sure to get a copy soon
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by elm_baraja_shaman Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:32 pm

this game is soo damn hard, started it yesterday spent like 3 hours running around (which I realized was a bad idea) searching captains, was about to kill one of them when 2 captains show up from nowhere (apparently i didn't kill the alarm ringer and there was a stronghold nearby) so am holding this captain after interrogating him when those 2 captains show up and make the battle even harder with their gangs so I try to run Laughing they all gang up on me and I end up being killed by an absolute total nobody scrub uruk-orc named Skrogh or something (he just merely had the last bow shot that killed me), he gets promoted takes on other captains defeats them moves up the chain and levels up becoming more powerful, I hunt him down kill him (well apparently unless their heads are off they come back I heard), am fighting this new captain who has a like a crazy whole uruk gang family, almost near death decides to flee, out of nowhere Skrogh is back from the dead talks about how "he has a score to settle with me" for dishonoring him the last time, we have another fight, my two other uruk nemesis (not sure if they are his bodyguards now) join in make his fight soo damn hard..... so i let loose the caraghors but still gets killed by one of them, story short they all get promotions and have lesser weaknesses :facepalm:, my darling Skrogh is now almost near warchief rank now (he is level 12 currently)........

this game is very well made and pleasing, but next time i play i think i will do the campaigns a lot so I unlock some powerful upgrades (cos that comes in hand when you slip off a ledge in a stronghold or don't kill those alarm clowns early :facepalm: )

@phritz any advise on how to get the clean execution? I tap the triangle plus O as it says but most times when its the captain am always interrupted by his scrub gang friends :facepalm:

hopefully I will get an epic rune when I nuke off good old Skrogh's head Proud
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:38 pm

Elm single handily promoting every orc known to man Proud
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by elm_baraja_shaman Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:00 pm

Great Leader Sprucenuce wrote:Elm single handily promoting every peasant orc unknown to man Proud

Twisted Evil

trust me this game is so hard when you start its not even funny, if you are not being killed by those uruks, its their scrub followers, and then when you let loose of the caraghors and they turn against you when all orcs there is to eat are all gone (I haven't unlocked the bow shot caraghor dominate ability yet, though I can hop on them from above and dominate them)

rode into an orc stronghold on the back of a caraghor and set all the bees and caraghors loose, dat damn pleasing chaos I caused and triggered some caraghor fears among some stupid captains before eating them with my cat friend Proud (though am expecting them to show up again with a severed face or something somewhere along the lines since their heads were still intact :facepalm:
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by •MilanDevil• Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:52 am

I love this game already. I agree with previous comments that its not easy as Assassin's creed. I tried a couple of times to fight the entire stronghold but never won using this tactic. Blocking ranged shots is also annoying. Also, there is this uruk who shows up 8 times out of 10 on all my battles and he always survives. I think he is level 15 now and I still have not finished 8% of the game.
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Bellabong Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:41 am

You guys are creating monsters lol
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Zealous Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:47 am

Great game, really enjoying so far Proud
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by elm_baraja_shaman Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:50 pm

shadow strike :bow:

shadow kill :bow:

makes life in strongholds much easier, played about 30hrs already and only 8% done Laughing

killed one Uruk captain like 6 times already he killed me 3 times last time he showed he was almost a cyborg rofl metal plates in the right side of his head rofl

great game, should be up there for GOTY easily.....

also dat dark ranger skin Proud

nemesis system :bow:
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Dante Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:04 pm

It is a superb game , absolutely . The fights are fun , the exploring of the land and lore is intriguing , the story is immersive despite being non-canon and it's not offensive to the lore of Middle Earth . OK , being an Elf-wight , overpowered-Celembribor inside Mordor is contradictive , but the wight is the essential point of the game , so there's that . lol . It is an entertaining experience however and the story is good , i guess that's enough for me. Having said that , i could do with some more of it , the storyline certainly isn't as long as i expected .

In my opinion , however , the game is actually easy . It seems like there some level of actual difficulty in the beginnings of it , when you don't actually have runes and abilities. However , said runes and abilities once acquired, (if you have mastered the Arkham combat system) will make you feel like Sauron in the game . I don't know about you guys , but having spent countless hours playing the Arkham games in the past , i felt unbeatable way too soon into the game. And the Arkham combat system is much more balanced than Shadow of Mordor , which is 100% an OP version. Sure , i died 4-5 times in the whole game , but literaly 4 of those deaths were in the first couple of hours and i wasn't necessarily serious not to die , i was trying all kind of stupid things just to see how the game feels like. Other than that i felt i had too much power in my control and not once i was concerned with the mission at hand. Not even against the

I experienced some , moderate difficulty in a couple of stealth missions and that was literaly it , it took me a fwe efforts to get the bonus side of the missions before completion. Everything else , even storming strongholds wasn't difficult , if you have good runes you can literaly drop in there and start the body count . Which is another of my nagging thoughts in the game , certain runes are overkill. A certain combination of runes can make you trully , beyond doubt , unbeatable and unstoppable against any odds .

All of that is however fun , surprisingly even after repeatition , so it didn't deeply bug me , just took some of the thrill away . The game gives me the impression you are meant to absolutely dominate Mordor in every possible way imaginable , not struggle to achieve through developing skill , or extra caution . Again , maybe i played too much in the Arkham series and it seemed easy .

Stunning visuals , electric paced game and the nemesis system works wonder with your choices . The combat system you know it by now , it's always a pleasure . Having said that , here's my last two cents about it.

The AI is not so good as i initialy believed . If you storm a few strongholds late in the game , you will get what i am saying straight away. You are too powerfull by then and somehow the Uruks are tougher and multiplied ; by the time you kill your first dozen , there's another on the way and by the time you kill half of the 2nd wave , there's a sea of Uruks around you . Great so far. I once fought well over 20+ orcs and 4 captains at once(maybe even 30+ , too many) .

My problem lies in the fact that they don't seem to fight in a realistic way . At the very best of scenarios , 2 orcs will attack you at once , maybe an archer will be firing arrows your way . That is it. Oh and if you hit execution , it doesn't matter if an orc's attack would hit you , it's an auto-dodge if you issue an animation button . And this happens , possibly all the time in the game. I have to end the post , but let me just say , they made the combat system feel good , but essentially increasingly easy . I mean , you can unlock allowance to get hit and retain the combo , you have too much time to continue a combo , you can literaly abuse the jump button to no end during fights and they just sit there screaming at you. So many things which make the combat system , although always fun , overpowered soon enough in the game . I hit a combo of well over 100x and i got bored killing orc after orc at some point , because even if my health got low , i would get it back after i hit 30+ combo. Really? Really . Focus , soul arrows , with the right set of moves and runes and abilities , you can fight till the end of time . Last but not least , you can use death threats to power up the big dogs and increase your chances of special runes. Great. I literaly spent time to make almost all of them above 17-18 lvl , sending death threats and passing time so i could have a challenge. Let me just say , it didn't work as i expected .. It was still easy for me. I even got more special runes and it was even more easy as i went . Laughing

There are more , especially good elements that i didn't particularly develop here , but i don't know where you are in the game and i don't want to spoil anything. Overall , i would give Shadow of Mordor an honest 8/10 , it was great fun after all. Still , i would like it to be more of a challenge than that. And there's something last i would like to point out , but i won't . I'll patiently wait you all and come and rage/feel dissapointed when you are done with the game Proud
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Pedram Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:01 am

Been playing this game since yesterday and i just can't get enough of it, it's addictive as hell.

And btw it's not easy at all, you can't just barge into strongholds and kill an entire group of orcs, there was a Uruk captain who killed me five times and increased his level to 17 before i finally got rid of him.
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Dante Sat Oct 11, 2014 4:18 pm

Pedram wrote:Been playing this game since yesterday and i just can't get enough of it, it's addictive as hell.

And btw it's not easy at all, you can't just barge into strongholds and kill an entire group of orcs, there was a Uruk captain who killed me five times and increased his level to 17 before i finally got rid of him.

Honestly , you can . And you can even sustain the fight if you like. And then be able to leave without dying , after killining dozens after dozens of Uruks , including a couple of Uruk captains , maybe more if you stay on for long enough. You can do that even within a 20 lvl warchief's stronghold , with bodyguards and captains near by , all of them being death threatened and leveled up.

Like i said , at the very beginnings of it , mayhaps , the game is somewhat difficult ; and that's only if you're unfamiliar with the Arkham combat system . If you are , it still remains easy to do almost anything you want. If one hasn't played the Arkham games , i agree maybe it's not so straight forward..nevertheless , once you get abilities and runes , it's a piece of cake honestly. Yellow runes and especially new abilities will make this crystal clear , once you get there . Here's an example of 2 special runes i've got after killing two 20 lvl warchiefs : everything sword/bow hits 50% more . U wot game?

The stealth is also OP and rather convenient . Strictly speaking , everything in your arsenal is a notch above anything the enemy has to offer , be it numbers , variation , variation + numbers , minibosses and bosses , whatevs. If you have just mastered the combat from the Arkham games like me , you don't need absolutely anything else. You can kill everybody , wherever and whenever . In essence , it only seems like it's not easy if you are unfamiliar with the combat system .

I am 100% , absolutely certain that anyone who has mastered the Arkham games combat , can play this game straight away and do anything he wants. The combat in Shadow of Mordor is obviously a copy-paste of the Arkham games , with the difference being , it's 10x times more convinient , easier , simpler and overpowered .

Having said all that , i tend to believe that is the whole purpose of the game , being an overpowered force walking into Mordor. In that sense , never questioning how fun all of that is , it is understandable that it is so easy .
Just my 2 cents here , i really expected and wanted more of a challenge than that. I already love the game , if it was actually hard to do all that , or had difficulty options , i would give it a 10 out of 10 .
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by elm_baraja_shaman Sat Oct 11, 2014 10:10 pm

dante did you play it ps3/360? cos the enemies you have on there at a time is smaller compared to ps4/xb1, yes I have played the Arkham games so am used to the combat system and understand and like you agree that once you level up its quite easy in the strongholds but piece of cake, unless you played 360 or ps3 then am not sure, haven't really had all the total upgrades as i haven't had much time playing it this week but with some serious upgrades I had a wave of like 40 orcs at once (yes i know not all attack at once), was fighting like 4 at once and still got trolled by 2 archers I neglected who weakened me for the captain to finish (am happy tho as many vendetta captains I have are level 16-19 so thats good)

also I heard once you finish the first map you cannot return to it to do side missions you didn't do, any advise on that?
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Pedram Sun Oct 12, 2014 2:09 am

Dante wrote:
Pedram wrote:Been playing this game since yesterday and i just can't get enough of it, it's addictive as hell.

And btw it's not easy at all, you can't just barge into strongholds and kill an entire group of orcs, there was a Uruk captain who killed me five times and increased his level to 17 before i finally got rid of him.

Honestly , you can . And you can even sustain the fight if you like. And then be able to leave without dying , after killining dozens after dozens of Uruks , including a couple of Uruk captains , maybe more if you stay on for long enough. You can do that even within a 20 lvl warchief's stronghold , with bodyguards and captains near by , all of them being death threatened and leveled up.

Like i said , at the very beginnings of it , mayhaps , the game is somewhat difficult ; and that's only if you're unfamiliar with the Arkham combat system . If you are , it still remains easy to do almost anything you want. If one hasn't played the Arkham games , i agree maybe it's not so straight forward..nevertheless , once you get abilities and runes , it's a piece of cake honestly. Yellow runes and especially new abilities will make this crystal clear , once you get there . Here's an example of 2 special runes i've got after killing two 20 lvl warchiefs : everything sword/bow hits 50% more . U wot game?

The stealth is also OP and rather convenient . Strictly speaking , everything in your arsenal is a notch above anything the enemy has to offer , be it numbers , variation , variation + numbers , minibosses and bosses , whatevs. If you have just mastered the combat from the Arkham games like me , you don't need absolutely anything else. You can kill everybody , wherever and whenever . In essence , it only seems like it's not easy if you are unfamiliar with the combat system .

I am 100% , absolutely certain that anyone who has mastered the Arkham games combat , can play this game straight away and do anything he wants. The combat in Shadow of Mordor is obviously a copy-paste of the Arkham games , with the difference being , it's 10x times more convinient , easier , simpler and overpowered .

Having said all that , i tend to believe that is the whole purpose of the game , being an overpowered force walking into Mordor. In that sense , never questioning how fun all of that is , it is understandable that it is so easy .
Just my 2 cents here , i really expected and wanted more of a challenge than that. I already love the game , if it was actually hard to do all that , or had difficulty options , i would give it a 10 out of 10 .

Yeah you're right at the time of writing that post my Talion wasn't upgraded so it was hard to kill large group of orcs but after finding some epic sword runes it's so much easier, runes definitely makes a huge difference in combats.
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Dante Sun Oct 12, 2014 2:57 am

elm_baraja_shaman wrote:dante did you play it ps3/360? cos the enemies you have on there at a time is smaller compared to ps4/xb1, yes I have played the Arkham games so am used to the combat system and understand and like you agree that once you level up its quite easy in the strongholds but piece of cake, unless you played 360 or ps3 then am not sure,  haven't really had all the total upgrades as i haven't had much time playing it this week but with some serious upgrades I had a wave of like 40 orcs at once (yes i know not all attack at once), was fighting like 4 at once and still got trolled by 2 archers I neglected who weakened me for the captain to finish (am happy tho as many vendetta captains I have are level 16-19 so thats good)

also I heard once you finish the first map you cannot return to it to do side missions you didn't do, any advise on that?

I played the game on the pc. I guess what you are talking about here with the number of 'population' inside the game has to do with the graphics , i played it very high in my rig and i have a next gen gpu .. i am sure i am playing the same game as in ps4 or xbox1.

But really , 20-30-40-1000 uruks at a time ; it doesn't matter , number of uruks that will attack you at the same time , is 2. So if focused and familiar with the combat , you can literaly take any number , especially with the added OP abilities. And if you have good runes , it is overkill simply put. About the archers , these are annoying , so just jump all over the sea of orcs to get there , finish them off and continue . Or if you have brand , brand them and make them fight for you , whilst also refiling your focus and soul arows. Hint : all of that is ridiculously OP .

Here's my favourite combo so far.

With a few words , you brand as many orcs as you want and then you hit that unlockable ability which finishes them off ; you can literaly kill an infinite amount of orcs with just 1 button and have them fight for you before that. Add your arsenal to this . Every brand i make replenishes my soul arrows and focus , i shadow kill 2 orcs , hit another , get the combo red , brand and get focus-soul arrows back , repeat. Just one op way to fight against any odds. Just one. My Talion feels like a Flash-Aragorn-Batman-Legolas-Ezio-Gandalf combination .. All the OP moves and infinite ammo , basically everything Talion does is OP . The game is even easy if you just hit , counterattack , jump , punch. Honestly. You don't even need the bow tbh , it's just there for fun reasons.

What puts the nail in the coffin are the special powers of each weapon. Bow fires infinite fire arrows in slowmo for 20 secs ; the sword has like 20 secs repeatable executions ; knife makes you invinsible for 20 secs ffs Laughing . Although you have to build this up , it's quite the fast process and although rewarding , takes away almost any challenge left in the mission.

As for if you can return to the first map once you get in the 2nd. no , that is not true. I returned many times to power up the 1st map captains after i got to use death threats. There's a blue gate at the bottom of the map i think , you click on it and it sends you back , same goes when you want to return to the 2nd map. Just put the map on and you will see the blue gate , you cannot miss it.

I considered replaying the game with only the absolutely necessary abilities needed to progress the storyline and without adding health , arrows , focus e.t.c , i realised , even though certainly doable , it won't be so fun at all. Which , again , made me understand you are supposed to be so OP in this game. If there's a sequel however , they must seriously consider adding some proper difficulty into it. I know it's fun , but fun without risk gets somewhat boring down the road.
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Dante Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:08 am

Pedram wrote:
Yeah you're right at the time of writing that post my Talion wasn't upgraded so it was hard to kill large group of orcs but after finding some epic sword runes it's so much easier, runes definitely makes a huge difference in combats.

Yeah , it was somewhat the same for me too . Runes but also abilities. When you unlock everything there is , you are absolutely invinsible. After a certain point , i stopped checking , or searching for intelligence . I just went as i wished and finished the game this way , to have a challenge. Turns out every single enemy in Mordor is vulnerable to explosions after all and there are a lot of barrels and fires in Mordor Laughing. You can even make a bigger explosion with a fire arrow , which will do serious damage.

Anyhow , i unlocked everything and got enough epic runes way before i finished the storyline . And the storyline wasn't even that difficult to begin with . The game is great fun , but it should be more balanced. We were supposed to believe one does not simply walk into Mordor , well , unless you're Talion-Celembribor that is. Then you walk into Mordor all right .
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by TalkingReckless Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:13 am

the game still isn't out on 360 or ps3, i wanna play it so bad Sad
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by elm_baraja_shaman Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:24 am

thanks a lot dante for the gate tip, i haven't yet unlocked branding....

and agreed if they make a next one they should reduce making Talion too overpowered but still a great game

heard you can make it harder by taking away the control prompts and such (tho I personally wouldn't wanna play it on such a level Laughing)

still i'd rate it 8.9/10 great game so far....
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Dante Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:26 am

the game is awesome , you're going to have a great time. Though , if you don't mind me saying. This game deserves to be played in next gen.

I understand it's expensive , but it will be well worth your time to invest in next gen . I wouldn't even consider buying a lesser version . The next gen eye candy in this game is enthralling. And if you got this for the pc , it's like half the price of what it costs for Ps4 one or x1.

Just saying
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by Dante Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:28 am

elm_baraja_shaman wrote:thanks a lot dante for the gate tip, i haven't yet unlocked branding....

and agreed if they make a next one they should reduce making Talion too overpowered but still a great game

heard you can make it harder by taking away the control prompts and such (tho I personally wouldn't wanna play it on such a level Laughing)

still i'd rate it 8.9/10 great game so far....

sorry i dont understand .. what do you mean by that
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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor  - Page 2 Empty Re: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Post by elm_baraja_shaman Sun Oct 12, 2014 3:33 am

Dante wrote:
elm_baraja_shaman wrote:thanks a lot dante for the gate tip, i haven't yet unlocked branding....

and agreed if they make a next one they should reduce making Talion too overpowered but still a great game

heard you can make it harder by taking away the control prompts and such (tho I personally wouldn't wanna play it on such a level Laughing)

still i'd rate it 8.9/10 great game so far....

sorry i dont understand .. what do you mean by that

it just doesn't tell you when to make a finisher,when to counter etc etc the button help is principally off in that mode so I heard....
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