GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
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GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
So im sure by now all of you have read Dos’ GL plane crash masterpiece, if not here’s the link Anyway the other day I thought, “what if just the Chelsea section were on the flight?” well here’s me crack at it, it’s a bit rough because I only had one draft, so hopefully its half as good as what Dos wrote.
Setting: Goal Legacy is on a plane, flying somewhere. Who knows why or how.
Shed: We’re going to crash because the human lard disposal is too heavy for the engines to support
Kick: The engines are fine, its these headwinds that are making the engine struggle
Shed: And the reason we’re in these headwinds is because FSW picked Torres as his co-pilot, Ba is a far superior co-pilot, we wouldn’t be in this mess if he were navigating
Lszanto: Please, Torres couldn’t navigate a piece of cake into Rafs mouth
Shed: True
Baret: We should never have picked up FSW in the first place, RDM was a far superior pilot, he would never have crashed this plane
Soul: RDM
Kick: RDM
Fatman123: Its a shame we had to replace RDM wih the FSW as captain, does anyone know waht happened to RDM? He dispaeared after we ladned in Russia
Shed: Roman sticking his filthy Russian hands where they don’t belong again, he is everything that is wrong with this club
Ruthless: damn manure scum devil dogs, this is all their fault, they’ve payed off the wind current to make our plane crash
Sepi: Look at all these plastic chavski rent boys, this plane couldn’t be flying any smoother, although at the first sign of the smallest amount of turbulence it has to be FSW fault I assure Rafa will land this plane perfectly, not that any of you deserve it
Messiah: Don’t bother Seps, Rafa could fly their plastic plane faster than a fighter jet and have a perfect landing and still would find a way to blame Rafa.
Shed: Here come all the Liverpool historians again, you must be joking if you think that Rodgers will be able to land your pre-historic Wright brothers plane half as well as RDM would’ve landed our luxury liner then you’re kidding yourselves
Fatman123: Lets caml down guys, I know thi ssong helps me relax when I get abit frsutrated
Kick: not that scrub again
Soul: whats a sean long?
Shed: I think he means shaun short
CSpurs: Chelsea had the best up and coming pilot in aviation and then you let him go. AVB is flying the skies ever so majestically and with Bale as his co-pilot theres nothing that can stop us. Pride of London aviation
Fatman123: VillyB doesnt even hvae the right to be in our airprt, let alone fly ourplanes
Kick: Spurs once a small club, always a small club
Gil: This project was never going to work, sending out so many steweds on loan to other companies was a foolish move, of course the companies management will never learn and the fans will just keep blaming Torres. Lucky the cabin crew is full of studs like Mata and Hazard
Abramovich: This flight was for Chelsea fans only, who let you on?
Shed: Maybe we could just throw FSW out the plane now; at the very least it would lighten the load
Soul: But who could fly the plane?
Kick: JT cabin crew/pilot?
Shed: Im sure the media would love that, wouldn’t work though
Kick: Sheddy pants, they altitude is getting worse
Shed: and what do you want me to do about it you useless twit?
Kick: spoon with me one more time sheddy pants
Shed: only if I can be the big spoon this time
Kick: of course
Baret: I think I just threw up a bit
Abramoivch: me too
Soul: I heard theres a great pilot in Spain who doesn’t have a job any more, maybe we could try pick him up?
Shed: That tool already had his turn flying this plane, it’ll all be fine for a few hours till he pinches the ass of the wrong flight stewardess and then the whole plane goes crazy, harassment claims, protest and the lot, no thanks.
Fatman123: Mou bring bakc the special pilot
Soul: Mou will be a great pilot for us, he’ll bring back the days of the glory flights
CSpurs: You had Mou2.0 but you fired him, now you’re going to try bringing back the old pilot with the out of date ideas? Only at Chelsea
Shed: Shut your mouth Cwhateverteamidecidedtosupportthisweek. Look at all the Mou fan boys getting excited about him, Mou would much rather pilot that new French luxury liner then this plane bought with Russian blood money.
Abramoivch: Mou would make a great pilot, plus he’d bring us the kind of on flight staff we need and the very best in-flight entertainment available
Kick: do you think Mou will have a copy of that new geology documentary, it was really interesting?
Uncanny: Mou does have a knack for bringing and retaining some great inflight movies, hopefully he can bring back that moive about the Kraken we loaned out last week
Shed: Deluded Mou fan boys So Mou brings in the best in-flight entertainment available, but what happens in three flights time when those movies are old and the new cabin staff are tired? Soon as the customers start to complain he’ll disappear and then we’re back where we are now: with a human lard can for a pilot.
Fatman: Mou is a changed pilot, hes ready to fly us into the future. Mou
Sepi: ffs no respect among these chavski c*nts, I still haven’t felt any turbulence
Abramoivch: Scousers trying anything to make themselves relevant again
Shed:Plane will make safe landing:
Looks like that fat turd may just get us onto the tarmac after all
Messiah: rafa deserves better then these classless chav c*nts
Kick: Guess all the turbulence made him sweat enough so that the plane was able to support his weight
Shed: Shame he still weighs more than the entire first XI combined
Red: Look at all these ungracious Chelsea fans forgetting how Rafa outflew SAF airlines on two occasions with Chelsea
Ruthless: Maybe we could throw Rafa out and use his gut to break the planes crash?
Fatman123: ffs ruthless
Shed: :Plane lands safely:
Not sure how that fat turd did it, guess he just got lucky
Setting: Goal Legacy is on a plane, flying somewhere. Who knows why or how.
Shed: We’re going to crash because the human lard disposal is too heavy for the engines to support
Kick: The engines are fine, its these headwinds that are making the engine struggle
Shed: And the reason we’re in these headwinds is because FSW picked Torres as his co-pilot, Ba is a far superior co-pilot, we wouldn’t be in this mess if he were navigating
Lszanto: Please, Torres couldn’t navigate a piece of cake into Rafs mouth
Shed: True
Baret: We should never have picked up FSW in the first place, RDM was a far superior pilot, he would never have crashed this plane
Soul: RDM
Kick: RDM
Fatman123: Its a shame we had to replace RDM wih the FSW as captain, does anyone know waht happened to RDM? He dispaeared after we ladned in Russia
Shed: Roman sticking his filthy Russian hands where they don’t belong again, he is everything that is wrong with this club
Ruthless: damn manure scum devil dogs, this is all their fault, they’ve payed off the wind current to make our plane crash
Sepi: Look at all these plastic chavski rent boys, this plane couldn’t be flying any smoother, although at the first sign of the smallest amount of turbulence it has to be FSW fault I assure Rafa will land this plane perfectly, not that any of you deserve it
Messiah: Don’t bother Seps, Rafa could fly their plastic plane faster than a fighter jet and have a perfect landing and still would find a way to blame Rafa.
Shed: Here come all the Liverpool historians again, you must be joking if you think that Rodgers will be able to land your pre-historic Wright brothers plane half as well as RDM would’ve landed our luxury liner then you’re kidding yourselves
Fatman123: Lets caml down guys, I know thi ssong helps me relax when I get abit frsutrated
Kick: not that scrub again
Soul: whats a sean long?
Shed: I think he means shaun short
CSpurs: Chelsea had the best up and coming pilot in aviation and then you let him go. AVB is flying the skies ever so majestically and with Bale as his co-pilot theres nothing that can stop us. Pride of London aviation
Fatman123: VillyB doesnt even hvae the right to be in our airprt, let alone fly ourplanes
Kick: Spurs once a small club, always a small club
Gil: This project was never going to work, sending out so many steweds on loan to other companies was a foolish move, of course the companies management will never learn and the fans will just keep blaming Torres. Lucky the cabin crew is full of studs like Mata and Hazard
Abramovich: This flight was for Chelsea fans only, who let you on?
Shed: Maybe we could just throw FSW out the plane now; at the very least it would lighten the load
Soul: But who could fly the plane?
Kick: JT cabin crew/pilot?
Shed: Im sure the media would love that, wouldn’t work though
Kick: Sheddy pants, they altitude is getting worse
Shed: and what do you want me to do about it you useless twit?
Kick: spoon with me one more time sheddy pants
Shed: only if I can be the big spoon this time
Kick: of course
Baret: I think I just threw up a bit
Abramoivch: me too
Soul: I heard theres a great pilot in Spain who doesn’t have a job any more, maybe we could try pick him up?
Shed: That tool already had his turn flying this plane, it’ll all be fine for a few hours till he pinches the ass of the wrong flight stewardess and then the whole plane goes crazy, harassment claims, protest and the lot, no thanks.
Fatman123: Mou bring bakc the special pilot
Soul: Mou will be a great pilot for us, he’ll bring back the days of the glory flights
CSpurs: You had Mou2.0 but you fired him, now you’re going to try bringing back the old pilot with the out of date ideas? Only at Chelsea
Shed: Shut your mouth Cwhateverteamidecidedtosupportthisweek. Look at all the Mou fan boys getting excited about him, Mou would much rather pilot that new French luxury liner then this plane bought with Russian blood money.
Abramoivch: Mou would make a great pilot, plus he’d bring us the kind of on flight staff we need and the very best in-flight entertainment available
Kick: do you think Mou will have a copy of that new geology documentary, it was really interesting?
Uncanny: Mou does have a knack for bringing and retaining some great inflight movies, hopefully he can bring back that moive about the Kraken we loaned out last week
Shed: Deluded Mou fan boys So Mou brings in the best in-flight entertainment available, but what happens in three flights time when those movies are old and the new cabin staff are tired? Soon as the customers start to complain he’ll disappear and then we’re back where we are now: with a human lard can for a pilot.
Fatman: Mou is a changed pilot, hes ready to fly us into the future. Mou
Sepi: ffs no respect among these chavski c*nts, I still haven’t felt any turbulence
Abramoivch: Scousers trying anything to make themselves relevant again
Shed:Plane will make safe landing:
Looks like that fat turd may just get us onto the tarmac after all
Messiah: rafa deserves better then these classless chav c*nts
Kick: Guess all the turbulence made him sweat enough so that the plane was able to support his weight
Shed: Shame he still weighs more than the entire first XI combined
Red: Look at all these ungracious Chelsea fans forgetting how Rafa outflew SAF airlines on two occasions with Chelsea
Ruthless: Maybe we could throw Rafa out and use his gut to break the planes crash?
Fatman123: ffs ruthless
Shed: :Plane lands safely:
Not sure how that fat turd did it, guess he just got lucky
fatman123- Fan Favorite
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
LOL, brilliant. Couldn't help burst into laughter at the part where Sheddy Pants and I talk about spooning, spot on fitty!
Also, do I really post that much?
Also, do I really post that much?
Kick- Admin
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
I'm never seen a fatman post with such good spelling .
beatrixasdfghjk.- Fan Favorite
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
There's still spelling mistakes all through it!
Kick- Admin
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
Kick wrote:There's still spelling mistakes all through it!
Im only human! I did purposely make spelling errors for my posts though
fatman123- Fan Favorite
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Rebelles.REUS.rex- First Team
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
HAHAHA "hopefully he can bring back the movie about the Kraken we loaned out last week", haha the whole scenario perfectly sums up everything, hilarious!
Uncanny- First Team
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
I will go on a rant soon!!! We have planes in Sri Lanka!!!!
Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
Fitty, you might have missed someone
Kick- Admin
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CBarca- NEVER a Mod
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
Ill have revison up soon, with you in it Infinity, cant believe i forgot you
Also now that we've got the chance is there anyone or anything else that i missed?
Also now that we've got the chance is there anyone or anything else that i missed?
fatman123- Fan Favorite
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
Only other Chelsea fan I think think of is Blue but you could also add Ganso.
Kick- Admin
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
"Shed: That tool already had his turn flying this plane, it’ll all be fine for a few hours till he pinches the ass of the wrong flight stewardess and then the whole plane goes crazy, harassment claims, protest and the lot, no thanks."
Great work fatman, wonderful job.
Great work fatman, wonderful job.
beatrixasdfghjk. wrote:I'm never seen a fatman post with such good spelling .
dostoevsky- Super Moderator
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
dostoevsky wrote:"Shed: That tool already had his turn flying this plane, it’ll all be fine for a few hours till he pinches the ass of the wrong flight stewardess and then the whole plane goes crazy, harassment claims, protest and the lot, no thanks."
Great work fatman, wonderful job.
praise from the man himself
dostoevsky wrote:beatrixasdfghjk. wrote:I'm never seen a fatman post with such good spelling .
I may or may not have typed the enitre thing (emotes included) in MS Word first and then copy pasted it to GL
fatman123- Fan Favorite
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
Still spelt Barret wrong.....
Kick- Admin
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
fatman123 wrote: Ill have revison up soon, with you in it Infinity, cant believe i forgot you
Also now that we've got the chance is there anyone or anything else that i missed?
hahaha im just kidding man, chill
Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
Kick wrote:Still spelt Barret wrong.....
Barret isnt even a word!
fatman123- Fan Favorite
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
It is a name though
Kick- Admin
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
You guys had the best up and coming speller in the nation, but you let him leave for Tottenham.
One hard name to spell later (Damiao) and Tottenham are set for a top 4 place next year, and then Tottenham will lead the EPL into yet another European adventure, as usual. Pride of London
Great post though. I'm honored
One hard name to spell later (Damiao) and Tottenham are set for a top 4 place next year, and then Tottenham will lead the EPL into yet another European adventure, as usual. Pride of London
Great post though. I'm honored
CBarca- NEVER a Mod
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
CBarca wrote:You guys had the best up and coming speller in the nation, but you let him leave for Tottenham.
One hard name to spell later (Damiao) and Tottenham are set for a top 4 place next year, and then Tottenham will lead the EPL into yet another European adventure, as usual. Pride of London
Great post though. I'm honored
Shed- Ballon d'Or Contender
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Re: GL Flight Disaster: The Chelsea Edition
Spurs aren't even the pride of North London
Kick- Admin
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