Blue dot on my phone screen

Great Leader Sprucenuce
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Blue dot on my phone screen Empty Blue dot on my phone screen

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:28 am

Anyone experienced this and how to fix it? its only a small dot so it doesn't effect me too much but i'd like to know some fixes if possible.
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Blue dot on my phone screen Empty Re: Blue dot on my phone screen

Post by Onyx Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:54 am

I think it's a dead pixel.

Trying poking it or try downloading an app to fix it.

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Blue dot on my phone screen Empty Re: Blue dot on my phone screen

Post by CBarca Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:20 am

Trying poking it

I'm going to expand on this brilliant thought by our resident bot.

Smack the dot as hard as you can. Imagine...the phone is like your wife not making you a sandwich when you asked her to. If that doesn't work, get a sledgehammer, axe, baby, it doesn't really matter (use your imagination) and continue to smack the hell out of it until your entire screen is blue. Then you shouldn't notice the dot because it will blend in with the surroundings.

Problem fixed.



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Blue dot on my phone screen Empty Re: Blue dot on my phone screen

Post by Lex Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:34 am

Nah a dead pixel wouldn't show anything (just an empty black spot)

Sounds more like a stuck pixel due to impact damage. Depending on the severity, it can disappear by itself over time (days to weeks), you could try rubbing the area of the screen where the dot is gently or, like the bot said, downloading a specific app that deals with it.

If all that fails, comb your hair, put on your nicest cologne and try sweet talking the phone shop guy on your high road into giving you a good repair estimate
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Blue dot on my phone screen Empty Re: Blue dot on my phone screen

Post by Lex Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:35 am

A picture of said anomaly would be greatly appreciated
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Blue dot on my phone screen Empty Re: Blue dot on my phone screen

Post by Eupraxia Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:36 pm

A defective pixel (in this case a stuck pixel) usually disappear given enough time, an approach to fix such issues is either rubbing your hand on it attempting to reset the pixel itself, or cycling through different colors.

Some pixels correct themselves over time while others may look fixed only to reappear several hours after turning off the screen.
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Blue dot on my phone screen Empty Re: Blue dot on my phone screen

Post by LuckAndWin Tue May 28, 2013 2:34 pm
Some similar apps will do.

I have had this experience and been fixed after several flash.

The apps will keep refreshing/flashing your phone LCD until its fixed.

I hope the apps can help you to fixing your phone screen.
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