Juventus edge closer to Manchester United's all-time unbeaten run record in Europe

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Juventus edge closer to Manchester United's all-time unbeaten run record in Europe Empty Juventus edge closer to Manchester United's all-time unbeaten run record in Europe

Post by DeviAngel Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:29 pm


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Juventus edge closer to Manchester United's all-time unbeaten run record in Europe Empty Re: Juventus edge closer to Manchester United's all-time unbeaten run record in Europe

Post by Stormer77 Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:21 am

should modern day Europa League games even count? 4 where qualifiers.


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Juventus edge closer to Manchester United's all-time unbeaten run record in Europe Empty Re: Juventus edge closer to Manchester United's all-time unbeaten run record in Europe

Post by dronte Fri Mar 08, 2013 8:59 am

Manchester United had all of those matches in the Champions League while we had half of that in the EL and most of those were draws, so it's kinda a different achievement

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Juventus edge closer to Manchester United's all-time unbeaten run record in Europe Empty Re: Juventus edge closer to Manchester United's all-time unbeaten run record in Europe

Post by Stormer77 Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:17 am

Even as a Juve fan,gotta admit,I can't compare 2 CL seasons to Europa League qualifiers and group games


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Juventus edge closer to Manchester United's all-time unbeaten run record in Europe Empty Re: Juventus edge closer to Manchester United's all-time unbeaten run record in Europe

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