Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

la bestia negra
Blue Barrett
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by Blue Barrett Sat 16 Jun 2012, 20:54

I really don't see the point of wasting your time posting on another team's forum when your team have their own forums on the internet.

Arsenal fan posting in RedCafe

Chelsea fan posting in Bluemoon

City fan posting in RAWK

Munich fan posting in Barcaforum

etc, etc.

Its really quite pointless, imo.
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by BigBadBen Sat 16 Jun 2012, 20:55

Beats me.

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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by lenear1030 Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:02

Trolling maybe? Idk.
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by la bestia negra Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:06

Well we've had many butthurt barca fans begging us to win the cl final
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by Zero Sun 17 Jun 2012, 06:01

Well, uhm in the RAWK's case, it's for the lulz. It was fun seeing wild reactions and locked threads (esp. during the Suarez debacle) there.

I've visited Bluemoon a couple of times and it's ok. There are many sensible posters and some are really very witty.

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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by Guest Sun 17 Jun 2012, 06:05

I like other posters on RAWK.

MagicHat (Arsenal supporter), Big Marcs (Inter fan), tonytheleft (United fan), Tommy W (Spurs fan) are all among top top posters in RAWK.

You get the occasional wum, but they get banned straight away so no biggie.


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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by donttreadonred Sun 17 Jun 2012, 06:07

Optimist says: Desire to discuss topics related to that team.

Pessimist says: Desire to troll

Anarchist says: (too busy uploading computer virus to said forum to be reached for comment)
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by Zero Sun 17 Jun 2012, 06:20

Schweini wrote:I like other posters on RAWK.

MagicHat (Arsenal supporter), Big Marcs (Inter fan), tonytheleft (United fan), Tommy W (Spurs fan) are all among top top posters in RAWK.

You get the occasional wum, but they get banned straight away so no biggie.

You're right. There are also good posters in there but it's just sad that they get pummeled by wums all over.

Redcafe has also it's fair share of wums and spastics but what I do not get about RAWK is the frequent locking of threads that the mods are doing. It's like posters could not release their disappointment or their opinion about their team's performance. But maybe I should just settle with the "they're trying to keep the place as organised and peaceful as possible" explanation.

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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by DRK Sun 17 Jun 2012, 06:47

Mostly to troll I would guess
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by BarrileteCosmico Sun 17 Jun 2012, 09:44

donttreadonred wrote:Optimist says: Desire to discuss topics related to that team.

Pessimist says: Desire to troll

Anarchist says: (too busy uploading computer virus to said forum to be reached for comment)
This mostly. If you want to discuss a particular team that isnot your own you probably will join their board.

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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by RED Sun 17 Jun 2012, 12:12

To give your side of the story I presume. When one set of fans are discussing your club, they can at times have a somewhat blinkered view of it.

RedCafe is great because everyone on there genuinely talks about football without any trolling. That's why they have so many gooners, Chelsea fans, Newcastle, Everton, LFC, Spurs etc fans posting there regularly. They even have Barca and RM fans there...people have mature great discussions there.

It's great to read too. they have 200+ posts threads for every club- not just United. That's why I think it attracts a lot of non United fans to register.

Just my 2 cents.
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by RED Sun 17 Jun 2012, 12:21

meteormaker wrote:
Schweini wrote:I like other posters on RAWK.

MagicHat (Arsenal supporter), Big Marcs (Inter fan), tonytheleft (United fan), Tommy W (Spurs fan) are all among top top posters in RAWK.

You get the occasional wum, but they get banned straight away so no biggie.

You're right. There are also good posters in there but it's just sad that they get pummeled by wums all over.

Redcafe has also it's fair share of wums and spastics but what I do not get about RAWK is the frequent locking of threads that the mods are doing. It's like posters could not release their disappointment or their opinion about their team's performance. But maybe I should just settle with the "they're trying to keep the place as organised and peaceful as possible" explanation.

RAWK meltdowns :bow: That thread on RedCafe is the GOAT Laughing
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by Harmonica Sun 17 Jun 2012, 12:23

RED 80s. wrote:RedCafe is great because everyone on there genuinely talks about football without any trolling. That's why they have so many gooners, Chelsea fans, Newcastle, Everton, LFC, Spurs etc fans posting there regularly. They even have Barca and RM fans there...people have mature great discussions there.
And they even have Cal? Wink

I read almost all the other clubs forums, I like to know others views on things, though haven't registered in any of them.
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by REWB Sun 17 Jun 2012, 12:40

this forum is by farrr the best general football forum on the internet.
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by The Verminator Sun 17 Jun 2012, 12:52

^Agree Thumbs up
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by Lord Hades Mon 18 Jun 2012, 04:38

REWB wrote:this forum is by farrr the best general football forum on the internet.

this, it needs slightly more publicity though imo.. ..
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by Tifoso Romanista Mon 18 Jun 2012, 06:17

hmm well as a fan of Roma i might get Interested in whats going on in other clubs , like transfers , players leaving or etc and thats not related to Roma so i simply go there and see if i can find the info i'm looking for or just make a thread of my own regarding the subject
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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

Post by Zero Mon 18 Jun 2012, 08:49

RED 80s. wrote:
meteormaker wrote:
Schweini wrote:I like other posters on RAWK.

MagicHat (Arsenal supporter), Big Marcs (Inter fan), tonytheleft (United fan), Tommy W (Spurs fan) are all among top top posters in RAWK.

You get the occasional wum, but they get banned straight away so no biggie.

You're right. There are also good posters in there but it's just sad that they get pummeled by wums all over.

Redcafe has also it's fair share of wums and spastics but what I do not get about RAWK is the frequent locking of threads that the mods are doing. It's like posters could not release their disappointment or their opinion about their team's performance. But maybe I should just settle with the "they're trying to keep the place as organised and peaceful as possible" explanation.

RAWK meltdowns :bow: That thread on RedCafe is the GOAT Laughing

Definitely. Especially last season's since RAWK posters provided too much good material. Props should go to the Caf after the 6-1 and especially after Hazard's transfer.

Tifoso Romanista wrote: hmm well as a fan of Roma i might get Interested in whats going on in other clubs , like transfers , players leaving or etc and thats not related to Roma so i simply go there and see if i can find the info i'm looking for or just make a thread of my own regarding the subject

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Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there? Empty Re: Why do people make account on other teams' forums and post regularly there?

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