The Nintendo Appreciation Thread

Great Leader Sprucenuce
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The Nintendo Appreciation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nintendo Appreciation Thread

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Fri Nov 13, 2015 1:52 am

Tbf, ( not like they are going to anyway) but they are not gonna announce games you want when the Wii U is dead lol.

Even by some remote chance they do what you want they'll do it on NX lol. ( they won't though)

Great Leader Sprucenuce
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The Nintendo Appreciation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: The Nintendo Appreciation Thread

Post by Lord Spencer Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:52 am

ES wrote:Meh, not really enticing news tbh, TP remake ok, but i wish they'd focus on some of the stuff i like for once. At least, i'm getting the FE collection, which is nice.

Mother 3 going to be released in japanese shop only rofl

What a joke, so many great games (Metroid Prime, Paper Mario) being left behind for Tri-force heroes or some poverty Dynasty Warriors game that no one wants to play. Even fun series such as Mario Party deteriorated with the way they changed the game (everyone moves together in a pace, wtf). No wonder 3rd parties don't want to publish games on Wii U, when they have to tailor their game to dumbed down hardware. Why can't just get their heads out of their asses, and conform like Sony/MS. Soon, they'll end up like Sega if they make a Wii U 2gether or some shit.


3rd parties didn't release games for Nintendo when their hardware outclassed the competition (Gamecube), and they won't release much even if Nintendo emulates the other two. Xbox provides financial incentives for 3rd parties, while PS is the dominant console.

With Nintendo, its doomed if they do, and doomed if they don't.

Still, they are actually making money out of their consoles, unlike Sony last gen, and Microsoft since the start.
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