Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe?

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Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe?

Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe? - Page 2 Vote_lcap48%Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe? - Page 2 Vote_rcap 48% 
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Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe? - Page 2 Vote_lcap24%Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe? - Page 2 Vote_rcap 24% 
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Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe? - Page 2 Vote_lcap24%Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe? - Page 2 Vote_rcap 24% 
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Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe? - Page 2 Vote_lcap0%Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe? - Page 2 Vote_rcap 0% 
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Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe? - Page 2 Vote_lcap4%Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe? - Page 2 Vote_rcap 4% 
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Total Votes : 25
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Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe? - Page 2 Empty Re: Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe?

Post by jibers Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:20 pm

I hope he stays in south america tbh. Watching Santos play, they play better football than any team in europe bar Barca and possibly arsenal!

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Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe? - Page 2 Empty Re: Could Neymar become the next Robinho in Europe?

Post by matpol Thu Feb 02, 2012 12:30 am

I would also choose Yes option :coffee: INB4 jibers NERMAN :bow:
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