Arsenal 3 - 3 Norwich City: Dreadful display, destiny no longer in our hands

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Post by Art Morte Sun May 06, 2012 8:58 am

Twoism wrote:I'm so fukcing pissed right now so excuse me for my *bleep* language.

Chesny is absolutely horrible all game, someone please reminds him a 19 years old kid does not have the right to be cocky when that *bleep* soft ball went in at similar pace of a doped up snail.

Gibbs where do i begin, you're right back not 2nd coming Iniesta, when defend, i know the ball could hit you like a *bleep* pain but please at least put your ass out instead of pedaling back every *bleep* time. Oh yeah, for a million and one times, you can not dribble.

TV5 and Kozz do not compute, cannot believe I would say this but I miss Per so dearly. Please come back and put your fragile giant body on the line for us, and slowly but surely move up 5 inches to set up offside trap. Cause the other sure can't do that.

The rest were ok and RVP is RVP but who give a damn now, we're about to get brick shat on by Spuds.

And Wenger, I noticed you threw bottle to the ground out of frustration quite often this year, not your fault man, smash the players with those bottles and ask them to harden the *bleep* up, stop playing with mentality of a 12 years old. 10 minutes to keep the ball but no *bleep* that, we pressed some more so Morrison who probably works at lumber mill part time, scored such goal of season that Ian Wright would applause.

I defend this team so many times but this one game, I'm sorry I simply can not. We were playing Norwich not Barcelona, at Emirate not Nou Camp, to protect the precious 3rd ( soon to be 4th) spot not to win CL final.

God & Podolski help us all

Great post, man, +1 eco smile

And hey, look at it this way: Tottenham lost to Norwich at home, you did better than that... albino

Art Morte
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Norwich City: Dreadful display, destiny no longer in our hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Norwich City: Dreadful display, destiny no longer in our hands

Post by SamuelJayC Sun May 06, 2012 1:23 pm

Maintain I will speak after fixtures today. Hopefully something good happens for us.
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Arsenal 3 - 3 Norwich City: Dreadful display, destiny no longer in our hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Norwich City: Dreadful display, destiny no longer in our hands

Post by Sri Sun May 06, 2012 1:26 pm

Samuelj29060 wrote:Maintain I will speak after fixtures today. Hopefully something good happens for us.

Your optimism is a shining light in the darkness around right now.

Wer ko, der ko

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Norwich City: Dreadful display, destiny no longer in our hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Norwich City: Dreadful display, destiny no longer in our hands

Post by Geee Sun May 06, 2012 4:02 pm


Arsenal still third and all we need is one last win...come on gunners one more for the fans!

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Arsenal 3 - 3 Norwich City: Dreadful display, destiny no longer in our hands - Page 3 Empty Re: Arsenal 3 - 3 Norwich City: Dreadful display, destiny no longer in our hands

Post by beatrixasdfghjk. Sun May 06, 2012 4:25 pm

Milan31 wrote:
GoonerJay29 wrote:on dropping two points...

on Van Persie's penalty shout…
I don't know, we have to accept the decisions of the referee, that is the only thing I can say. Here, the whole season we have got zero penalties. It is absolutely amazing because you see other clubs who have 10 or 11.
:vagi: wow, I did not know you guys had 0 penalties this year, that is crazy.
At home, that is.
Though the only penalty against us at home was Bale's dive :L.

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