Learning the piano

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Learning the piano Empty Learning the piano

Post by Ali Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:08 pm

So, I'm the executive producer on my teams mixtape and as I watched my main engineer get down and make those beats I thought I could really help. So I decided I am going to learn a few instruments, I will start with the piano and will update GL with all my progress!

Learning the piano Img-2011
Me with my new slick keyboard and goatee

1st day (November 30, 10:05-10:20 PM) : 15 minutes spent, getting the feel of the keyboard.
2nd day (December first, 10:00-10:30 PM) : 30 minutes spent, can play the first 5 seconds of So Sick - Ne-Yo, with both hands, great progress in my opinion as I was hearing that it would take 2-3 months before I could play with both hands. I also found out today that I can recognize some pieces without reading them, but by listening to them and that is rare! (Made me feel special).
3rd day (December second, 4:00-4:15 PM) : 15 minutes spent, can play Still D.R.E.
3rd day (December second 8:30-9 PM) : Spent half an hour and started writing my first piece, odd, I didn't need to write down notes.
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