Why the 80s music was better....

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Why the 80s music was better.... Empty Why the 80s music was better....

Post by Babun Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:31 pm

I'll make the start. Current music is utter crap but just stating it would make me and others (Mole included) into old men who don't know anything about modern music. We owe you youngsters who didn't experience proper music from 80s onwards some proof Very Happy
' Oldies', post the proof vids or song titles in this thread eco smile Don't use the thread for bashing purposes only, we'll discuss 80s music. If you don't like 80s GTFO asap Very Happy Your opinion doesn't matter and we don't want to know so spare yourself the blushes beforehand :lol!:

That's it for starters. Post the other hits in my stead eco smile
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Why the 80s music was better.... Empty Re: Why the 80s music was better....

Post by Sushi Master Fri Nov 11, 2011 11:50 pm

People back then didn't give a shit. They did their thing and that's it. There was this extreme freedom not seen of nowadays. Now it's all gangsta rappers or shitty emo bands.

I could fill this thread with metal, since the 80s was the Golden age of metal.

But music overall was so good, that even pop songs were great. I'll find a few and share in a while.
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Why the 80s music was better.... Empty Re: Why the 80s music was better....

Post by Senor Penguin Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:00 am


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Why the 80s music was better.... Empty Re: Why the 80s music was better....

Post by Swanhends Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:11 am

The 80s = Easily one of the worst decades in human history
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Why the 80s music was better.... Empty Re: Why the 80s music was better....

Post by dmize Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:13 am

babun1024 wrote:

That's it for starters. Post the other hits in my stead eco smile

Thumbs up Depeche Mode. Although technically that song was released in 1990, the early 90's were a great time for music anyway.

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Why the 80s music was better.... Empty Re: Why the 80s music was better....

Post by Great Leader Sprucenuce Sat Nov 12, 2011 1:12 pm

:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

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Why the 80s music was better.... Empty Re: Why the 80s music was better....

Post by BarrileteCosmico Sat Nov 12, 2011 4:37 pm

To be fair, music has declined since the 80s in English, elsewhere it has improved banana

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Why the 80s music was better.... Empty Re: Why the 80s music was better....

Post by DeviAngel Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:12 pm

because no matter how far u've gotten to you always return from where you've came Smile

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Why the 80s music was better.... Empty Re: Why the 80s music was better....

Post by DeviAngel Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:12 pm

because no matter how far u've gotten to you always return from where you've came Smile

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Why the 80s music was better.... Empty Re: Why the 80s music was better....

Post by Babun Sat Nov 12, 2011 9:31 pm

A spamming mode was banned :lol!:
bhends wrote:The 80s = Easily one of the worst decades in human history
you not speak english? Music, the thread is about music, take your trolling nonsense somewhere else eco smile
P.S. I really hope you were trolling otherwise... Shocked
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Why the 80s music was better.... Empty Re: Why the 80s music was better....

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