Moggi: "Wrong way dismiss Del Piero"

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Moggi: "Wrong way dismiss Del Piero"  Empty Moggi: "Wrong way dismiss Del Piero"

Post by DeviAngel Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:08 pm

"The release of Lambs on Del Piero did not get it. Alexander when he plays is one that always gives trouble to the defenses and technically is still the best. And 'a game to get hurt, you are doing everything possible to de-motivate the player "His commentary is by Luciano Moggi, the microphones of Radio Manàmanà sports." The company - continues the former Juventus general manager - would have to say these things in March or April, not now. Do not make these statements had nothing to do now I did not understand this remark, and who has suggested Agnelli and the president himself have made ​​a terrible mistake. " "The way in which liquid is a player who has given so much to Juventus is totally wrong - concluded Moggi - Everyone acts like he believes, if Agnelli said it is likely to have talked down with his cousins. I am convinced that Del Piero can still give a lot. Knowing you do not pull back, but no doubt will be demotivated. "

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Moggi: "Wrong way dismiss Del Piero"  Empty Re: Moggi: "Wrong way dismiss Del Piero"

Post by JuvenelCuore Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:15 pm

Link to original ? This version is horrendous.
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